7 Juli 2018 | |
Ende der Nachspielzeit.
Die Kausalkette in meiner Wohngegend (überwiegend russische Anwohner) war bei einem Tor der russischen Mannschaft folgendermaßen definiert:
Torfall → Jubelschreie → Rakete/Böllerwerk → Hund (mit empfindlichen Ohren) bellt
4 Juli 2018 | |
Deep water freediving exposes its practitioners to a form of narcosis, which induces several symptoms, among which a feeling of euphoria and levity that earned this phenomenon its nickname of “raptures of the deep”.
Synopsis : The short film relates the interior journey of Guillaume Néry, the apnea world champion, during one of his deep water dives. It draws its inspiration from his physical experience and the narrative of his hallucinations. Alternating between reality and imagination, the film shows how far human abilities can be stretched and it reveals the intimate and primal bond between the athlete’s inner world and his aquatic environment, bringing the understanding of the human relationship with the underwater world to new levels.
3 Juli 2018 | |
Zuweilen bedarf es im Leben eines langen Atems, um in die tiefsten Tiefen des eigenen Bewusstseins sich ohne Gegenwehr hinabsinken zu lassen, sich (er-)geben [1]Hesse, um hernach(t) ans Licht der Erkenntnis zu erlangen.